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Группы : Дискографии


Avulsed: "Ritual Zombi" – 2013

энциклопедия: Avulsed

Состав группы:

  • Osckar – ударные
  • Juancar – гитара
  • Tana – бас
  • Jose "Cabra" – гитара
  • Dave Rotten – вокал

Приглашённые музыканты:

  • Miguel Bárez – акустическая гитара на "Elegy For The Rotting"
  • Javi Félez – клавишные на "Awakening To Apocalypse"

Avulsed: "Ritual Zombi" – 2013


  1. Dawn Of Apocalypse
  2. Dead Flesh Awakened
  3. Z-Hunter
  4. ...Was Not My Blood
  5. Horrified By Repulsion
  6. Zompiro
  7. Elegy For The Rotting (Interlude)
  8. Unborn Of The Undead
  9. Brainsuck
  10. Zombie Ritual (Death)
  11. Cannivegan Corpse
  12. Cult Of The Living Dead
  13. Devoured And Forgotten


1. Dawn Of Apocalypse


2. Dead Flesh Awakened

As soon as the day has died
awakens flesh equally dead
the hunt is on once again
I need to eat your head

We move in herds to kill
run you down like prey
nothing you squeal will help
so be quiet as you die

Bleeding away
just like the sour rain
dying into undeath
submerged in utter pain

Dead Flesh Awakened

As soon as the day has died
awakens flesh equally dead
the hunt is on once again
I need to eat your head

We move in herds to kill
run you down like prey
nothing you squeal will help
so be quiet as you die

I do not want
to go this way
please let me die
instead of being dead alive

Dead Flesh Awakened

3. Z-Hunter

After hecatomb planet was ruined
The human race was on extinction
Dead people came back to life
We all know how they're called

Despite of some stupid movies
Where they avoid calling them zombies
Looking like nerds that've never seen
A zombie's movie in their lives

Call them as you wish, they're all the same
Walkers, Roamers, Lukers, Biters...
Just bullshit terms, trying to define
A simple being, a stupid zombie

They just can't think
They're moving slow
Can't talk a word
Easy to kill

Zombie Hunter, crush their heads
Zombie Hunter, chop their arms

Zombie Hunter, break their teeth
Zombie Hunter, cut their necks
Zombie Hunter, leave no one
Zombie Hunter, kill'em all

Despite of some stupid movies
Where they avoid calling them zombies
Looking like nerds that've never seen
A zombie's movie in their lives

Call them as you wish, they're all the same
Walkers, Roamers, Lukers, Biters...
Just bullshit terms, trying to define
A simple being, a stupid zombie

They just can't think
They're moving slow
Can't talk a word
Easy to kill

Zombie Hunter, break their teeth
Zombie Hunter, cut their necks
Zombie Hunter, leave no one
Zombie Hunter, kill'em all

4. ...Was Not My Blood

Weird feelings, too much hot, unbearable
Sweat dripping, in the night, open windows
Was a nightmare but looked so real
I remember perfectly what happened

Was not my blood
All over my chest
In my hands
In my mouth

I was running on the streets persecuted
Hordes of zombies moving fast they caught me

Was not my blood
All over my chest
In my hands
In my mouth

Disemboweling my entrails
Dismembering my arms and legs
Absorbing my body fluids
Masticating my bloody corpse

Ripping, Eating, Gulping, my flesh

Disemboweling my entrails
Dismembering my arms and legs
Absorbing my body fluids
Masticating my bloody corpse

Suffocated, I woke up, it was over
Just a nightmare, went to toilet, to wash my face

But then I saw all that blood
Dripping from my hands
Chunks of flesh on my mouth
Stench of death in the air
I looked back over my bed
My wife's corpse was there
It was totally devoured
What kind of nightmare was this?

Disemboweled her entrails
Dismembered her arms and legs
Absorbed her body fluids
Masticated her bloody corpse

5. Horrified By Repulsion

Gleaning all hideouts
Checking every house
Hungry for human flesh
Smelling all our fears

Slowly crawling they always arrive
One by one devouring the alive
Biting your arms and sucking your brains
Licking your stumps ruminating your guts

Horrified, Horrified, Horrified by Repulsion

Locked up in my basement
With tons of food and drinks
My whole record collection
That was all I really needed
I thought I was safe down there
Until they broke the door

Right in that moment I was playing music
So fucking loud, that was Repulsion!!
The damn zombies were petrified
Their melting faces like on the cover

Horrified, Horrified, Horrified by Repulsion

Was so unreal but it saved my life
Repulsion tunes destroyed their heads
They were scared beyond their own death
So loud Grind just melted their brains

Horrified, Horrified, Horrified by Repulsion

Deformed rotting face
Their eyes popping out
Erupting balls of pus
Their hairs falling down

6. Zompiro


Vampiros se mueven en la noche
Zombis deambulan por el d?a
El ser humano su presa com?n
Unos succionan otros devoran

Sangre, Carne, Irresistible, Tentaci?n

Los vampiros son poderosos
Y los zombis unos retrasados

Los chupasangres decidieron
Conquistar la luz del d?a
Necesitaban aliados
Los zombis son presa f?cil


Convirtiendo zombis en p?tridos vampiros
Capaces de vagar bajo la luz del sol
Cazando humanos y convirti?ndolos
Para acabar con la raza humana


Sangre, Carne, Irresistible, Tentaci?n

Una raza bastarda
Entre zombis y vampiros


7. Elegy For The Rotting (Interlude)


8. Unborn Of The Undead

Several months ago, the seed of life
Was planted on a fertile girl
A happy couple, just married
Future looked bright, for both of them

A weird disease, spread all over
No human survived, all were infected
Nobody died, nobody lived
Still moving corpses, they're all undead

Their brains are dead, so they can't think
Basic instincts, rule their bodies
They just can't feed, only devour

The pregnant girl, kept growing on
Her abdomen, was undead
A little dead baby, was just unborn

Unborn of the Undead

Unborn of the Undead

A weird disease, spread all over
No human survived, all were infected
Nobody died, nobody lived
Still moving corpses, they're all undead

Their brains are dead, so they can't think
Basic instincts, rule their bodies

The pregnant girl, kept growing on
Her abdomen, was undead
A little dead baby, was just unborn

9. Brainsuck

They come out at night
Devouring you all
A crazy instinct
To eat human meat

Ripping out your entrails
and chewing your guts
Breaking your bones
and tearing out your skin

They just can't resist
To hunt human preys
Fucking brainless runners
Won't ask before bite

But their favourite dish
It's just what they lack
Your tender grey mass
Excite them to the max

Cracking your skull
Just with a stone
Splitting your head
Exposing your fudge


Ripping out your entrails
and chewing your guts
Breaking your bones
and tearing out your skin

They just can't resist
To hunt human preys
Fucking brainless runners
Won't ask before bite

10. Zombie Ritual (Death)

Revengeful corpse out to kill
Smell the stench, your guts will spill
Vomit for a mind maggots for a cock
With his axe the corpse will chop

Stare into his eyes
Now in his spell
Kiss the rotting flesh
Now you're in hell

Drink from the goblet, the goblet of gore
Taste the zombie's drug, now you want more
Drifting from the living, joining with the dead
Zombie dwelling maggots now infest your head

Zombie Ritual
Zombie Ritual

Ceremony now complete
Chosen one is now deceased
Fucking, raping zombie whore
Killing, feasting no remorse

Stare into his eyes
Now in his spell
Kiss the rotting flesh
Now you're in hell

Drink from the goblet, the goblet of gore
Taste the zombie's drug, now you want more
Drifting from the living joining with the dead
Zombie dwelling maggots now infest your head

Zombie Ritual
Zombie Ritual

Zombie Ritual
Zombie Ritual

11. Cannivegan Corpse

Never eat meat, nothing that was
previously alive or coming from it

Where have you seen a living dead guy
still with principles even after death

His conscience was so fucking deep
that he couldn't feed of human meat
like any other typical zombie
He would devour just human vegans

Cannivegan Corpse

Feeding on vegan meat, was not a sin
That kind of protein, is unadultered
This is the nearest way, to keep veganism
On this hard state, where one has to eat human flesh

Where have you seen a living dead guy
still with principles even after death

His conscience was so fucking deep
that he couldn't feed of human meat
like any other typical zombie
He would devour just human vegans

Cannivegan Corpse

Feeding on vegan meat, was not a sin
That kind of protein, is unadultered
This is the nearest way, to keep veganism
On this hard state, where one has to eat human flesh

12. Cult Of The Living Dead

This is nothing new, adoration of idols
Millenary habits, as old as humans
Powerful beings, almighty forces
Legends and myths, even gods and stars

But poor Christians, decided to believe
A lousy human, a crazy liar
Not powerful, not almighty
Not a legend or myth, just a poor mortal

Cult of the living dead!!

He's not dead.... he's a fucking zombie!!

Worshipping a corpse, a fucking walking dead
Rotting and stinky, a soulless entity
Spreading lies in life, bullshit utopias
Something proven wrong, two thousand years later

Taking advantage of poor weak ignorant
Without any hope, leeching their minds
Offering paradise, after they're dead
Then they'll meet, their beloved holy zombie

Cult of the living dead!!

He's not dead.... he's a fucking zombie!

13. Devoured And Forgotten


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